Preserve the story of a loved one
MosaicBox makes it super easy to record and share the significant moments of their life with the whole family. Preserved forever.
"I'm so happy thinking my grandchildren will read this!"
Nathalie, 82 years old
"My dad was really moved by this gift. It showed him that I care."
Erik, 27 years old
"Everybody should have their own MosaicBox!"
Sophie, 54 years old
Here's how simple it is:
1. Share the MosaicBox gift certificate
After purchasing a MosaicBox, you will be able to create a beautiful gift certificate.
Ready to gift in 15 seconds or less!
2. The person starts recording
The person can easily log in using the code on the certificate, and start recording stories by speaking naturally. You can assist them if you want.
Stories can be recorded from a computer or a tablet (ex: iPad)
3. MosaicBox does its magic!
For each story, MosaicBox will create a beautifully written text. It will sublime the stories, making it enjoyable to read them over and over again.
4. Enjoy the stories!
Stories are available on a superb private website. Give the address to the people you want to share the stories with.
Stories can also easily be printed from the comfort of your home!
A word from the creator of MosaicBox
Our lives are made of stories. The anecdotes and the important ones. These stories explain who we are by revealing the events that shape us. When we are young, we feel awkward listening to our parent's or grandparents' stories. We have yet to grasp their importance. Or we don't have the patience to listen. But as we grow up, we want to know more about our family story. We want to preserve this precious inheritance and pass it on to our children. When we ask someone we love to share their stories, we tell them they matter to us. MosaicBox helps you capture and preserve these stories in a way that will withstand time. Gift a MosaicBox to someone, and let them talk to record their stories at their own pace. You can stay next to them, or not. MosaicBox will enhance these audio recordings, turn them into beautifully written stories, and make them available to the whole family on a private website. You can also print the collection of stories from the comfort of your home. Make a gift that counts. For them and the whole family!

Greg Gilbert, Creator of MosaicBox